We know, that you know, that engaging your powerhouse throughout your Pilates lesson is integral to achieving results with Pilates. But, what is the powerhouse in Pilates and how can you engage it more effectively?
What is your powerhouse?
The simplest way to think of your PH (powerhouse) muscles is that it connects your upper body to your lower body so that you can move in a connected way; effectively and efficiently, and yes beautifully too.
Common mistakes for your powerhouse in Pilates
Mistake #1: Locking down your powerhouse instead of “engaging” it
Let me talk about common mistakes first. The most common mistake is to lock down your PH instead of “engaging” it and then try to move. This locking down actually inhibits movement! Engaging the powerhouse is much more effective and is more subtle. Just gently tighten the area inwardly, like you would if you were putting on a tight shirt and zipping up a tight pair of pants. Now, as you begin to move with this engagement you will be able to move in an efficiently and supportive way.
The hardest challenge on the powerhouse is the movement of arms and legs away from the body. For instance lowering your legs in the hundred, or leg circles when the legs widen and lower or in double leg stretch when both the arms and the legs move away from your PH. The bigger the movement away from your powerhouse, the deeper you need to engage. The key thing to remember is that if you allow the loss of engagement while moving the arms and legs (you’ll know you’ve lost it if your stomach pushes out, your back arches, your hip flexors take over, your shoulder round forward…), you will not be developing the strength and endurance of your PH.
So, range of motion is EARNED. Don’t think that bigger arm and leg movements without continuous engagement of your powerhouse in Pilates is the right thing. Back up, move smaller, stay engaged and you’ll build a truly powerful PH!
Mistake #2: Pushing the stomach out while breathing
A second common mistake is pushing the stomach out (losing PH engagement) while breathing. Believe it or not, the stomach does NOT need to push out to breathe in. See, the powerhouse in Pilates includes your diaphragm (the muscle that helps you inhale and exhale).
The white bubbles in the photo on the left show the inhale and the diaphragm is pushed downwards so that the lungs can fill up. The photo on the right shows an exhale where the diaphragm is pushed up helping the lungs to exhale. The diaphragm moves UP and DOWN not in an out. This take practice…
Engaging your powerhouse in Pilates is not just about physical strength; it’s a mental and holistic connection between mind and body. Understanding your powerhouse means recognizing its role in connecting your upper and lower body, facilitating fluid movement, and enhancing overall performance. By avoiding common mistakes like locking down your powerhouse or incorrectly breathing, you can amplify the effectiveness of your Pilates practice.
So, as you work on each Pilates exercise, become aware first of your PH…and work on keeping it engaged through inhaling and exhaling and your movements. This takes work, time and focus, but you’ll get it and it’s worth it. When you can lower your legs to the mat in double leg lower – you’ll be very proud of what that says about your powerhouse in Pilates!!
We hope this helps…remember you can engage your PH more effectively and increase the benefits and results you receive!!
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